Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Male Infertility Treatment with Baby Capsule

Is age the biggest factor that impacts fertility?

Once you’ve taken the decision to start your own family, you must have wondered how long it would take to get pregnant. One of the biggest factors which has a direct impact on the fertility of any person is AGE. As aging lowers down the chances of conceiving in women, similarly it lowers the fertility in males as their sperm quality declines. Spend not more than 5 minutes to know more on how age can impact fertility in both females and males.

Impact of Age on Female Fertility

A woman has all the eggs she’ll need to conceive in her lifetime, when she is born. But as she ages, the quality and quantity of the eggs also age with her. Despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the age factor in women still weighs heavy on it.

Early to mid 20s is the peak fertility period for a woman. As she reaches her 30s, her fertility starts to decline, and this decline picks up speed after 35. By the age of 40, the chances of conception for a woman narrow down to just 5 percent. Age not only affects the chances of conceiving, but also increases the risk of a pregnancy loss.

Impact of Age on Male Fertility

The impact of aging on males fertility is subtle in comparison to females. It generally starts to decline after the age of 40, when the sperm quality decreases.

As the chances of conception are decreased with aging in males, it also increases the number of menstrual cycles required to conceive, the risk of miscarriage and possibilities of the child developing mental health disorders. It has also been found that increasing male age correlates with increasing DNA fragmentation.
Also, the risk of miscarriage and fetal death increases with higher paternal age. Therefore, from a purely biological perspective, it’s best to try to start a family before you’re 35 years old.

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